What Is EMSlim
- Build muscle
- Burn fat
- Firm skin
- Boost lymph

Get The Body You Want With EMSlim
Your BMI doesn’t have to be “perfect” to make you a great candidate for this procedure. Patients of all different body types can achieve great cosmetic outcomes after just a few treatment sessions. No matter your body shape, Emslim can tighten and shape features to make you feel more confident in your physique. However, if your BMI is over 40% it is recommended to do other body sculpting procedures first to reduce the body fat in the area you want to have treated with EMSlim. EMSlim is intended to increase muscle mass and reduce fat. Consequently, if the fat is more significant in the area being treated, it will be more difficult for the HIFEM current to reach the muscle resulting in a less intense workout and a less than desired result.
Contact us today to schedule your consultation and see the new you!

EMSlim Pricing
(After that, treatments can be bought individually.)
Fast, permanent, and painless with NO downtime!
Contact us today for your free consultation or book one now.

Pre & Post Treatment Advice and Protocol
DO NOT eat 2 hrs prior to your treatment!
Lower your carb intake the day of your treatment and at least 3 days after to help with lymph drainage. Avoid refined carbs such as white bread, white pasta, white rice and sugar. Also avoid fast foods, fried foods, excess oil and butter.
Avoid caffeine, sugary drinks, pop, and alcohol the day of treatment and 3 days after to ensure proper lymph drainage. If you absolutely must have coffee or tea, limit it to 1 coffee or 1 tea each day. If possible, eliminate alcohol completely as alcohol contains excess sugar which can cause weight gain and slows down your liver function and lymphatic system which is imperative to your results!
Remove metal objects from your body and any clothing that will be near the applicators.
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Do this before your treatment and at least 3 days after your treatment to help flush the fat cells and toxins from your system and speed up the metabolism! We recommend filtering your tap water as contaminants and or pollutants can cause weight gain and health issues. Doctors recommend for everyone to drink half their weight in ounces of water everyday to maintain a healthy body and lymphatic system.
(Example: If you weigh 150 lbs you would drink 75 oz of water each day)
DO NOT eat for one hour after your treatment!
Wear a compression garment on the area treated for at least 3 days after treatment for 8-12 hrs each day. This will help speed the process of pushing fat cells into the lympgatic system, ensure lymphatic drainage and maximize your results! If you are mostly building muscle with EMSlim and have a low body fat percentage, compression will not be required. If you will need a compression garment and do not have one already, one can be purchased after your treatment. We can fit you with your correct size according to after treatment measurements given to you by your technician. We have medium compression garments for lymphatic drainage available at a reasonable cost for abdomen, arms and legs. Compression garments will need to cover the full treatment area: abdomen – right under the breasts to top of the pelvic bone; arms – arm pit to the top of the elbow; thighs – top of inside of thigh to the top of the knee.
Manually drain the area of treatment at least a few times daily (preferably with ginger oil) to stimulate the lymph flow in the area. Your technician will instruct you on how to do this after your treatment. We have lymphatic massage hand pieces available for purchase at our location that are designed for lymphatic drainage.
Muscles need to be “fed” in order to heal and grow bigger. Plan to consume between 20–30 grams of protein immediately after your treatment! Protein will help your muscles not only get more tone and enlarged, but also will reduce soreness.
Maintain a healthy diet which consists of lean proteins and vegetables.
Exercise is important to achieve maximum results as well as maintain them! There’s no downtime, so you can even work out right after your treatment!
Skin/dry brushing is great for your lymphatic system! It can be done on a daily basis and will help energize your body and boost your lymphatic system! If you choose to do so, these can be purchased at our location. There are videos on our blog that show how to dry brush for the whole body, face and neck.
Whole body vibration, pressotherapy and far infrared sauna sessions will enhance your results by boosting the lymphatic system and detoxifying the body! They will also burn calories and speed your metabolism! If you choose to do so, these sessions can be purchased separately.